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À partir de ce mois de janvier 2018, notre site internet n'est plus mis à jour... Mais nous ne disparaissons pas, bien au contraire ! Retrouvez toutes nos productions, et bien plus encore, sur un tout nouveau site :

par Menny Lindenfeld

Voici un incroyable effet d'élastiques, qui traversent à vue les doigts des spectateurs !

Regardez la vidéo pour vous faire une idée de l'effet extraordinaire que cela produit sur les spectateurs !

Livré complet : élastiques + lien de téléchargement pour les explications et les routines (en anglais)

Description originale

From the creative mind of Menny Lindenfeld comes the most POWERFUL & VISUALLY STUNNING rubber band penetration effect you'll ever perform!

A rubber band is wrapped around your forefinger. And while it's being stretched out, the rubber band literally PASSES THROUGH the center of your forefinger and LINKS ITSELF onto your middle finger. The effect is so visually stunning, IT LOOKS LIKE A CAMERA TRICK!

Your fingers are open and fully exposed throughout the entire performance. The rubber band continues its magical journey, VISIBLY PENETRATING from one finger to the next. Making each phase gradually look more VISUALLY AMAZING than the previous.

Finish this incredible effect with a BIG ending. Imagine the spectator's reaction, when you cause the rubber band on your finger, to VISIBLY PASS THROUGH and PENETRATE HIS OWN FINGER.

Perform TRU in any impromptu situation. With your fingers fully exposed throughout the entire routine. It's 360° angle-proof and can be watched from any angle. Each phase of TRU can be performed as a stand-alone effect. Or combined into a multi-phase routine.
  • Powerful & visually stunning!
  • No covers - fingers are open and fully exposed.
  • Rubber band visibly penetrates fingers, jumping from one finger to the next.
  • Perform with hand palm up or palm down.
  • RB penetrates SPECTATOR'S finger - while spectator holds end of rubber band.
  • 360° angle-proof - perform fully surrounded.
  • No gimmicks/100% impromptu.
  • Five (x5) original methods, choreographed into a visually stunning routine.
  • PLUS variations on the routine with borrowed earphones & hair-bands.
  • HIGH QUALITY & LONG LASTING RUBBER BANDS INCLUDED! (Bands produced by Joe Rindfleisch.)
  • Video tutorial (Download/Full HD 1080p/72 minutes).
In the tutorial, Menny Lindenfeld will teach you:
  • FIVE (X5) original TRU methods.
  • To perform with your hand palm up & down.
  • Cause rubber band to penetrate through spectator's finger.
  • Method variations & full routine.
  • TRU variation with heavy-duty rubber bands.
  • TRU variation with borrowed elastic hair-bands.
  • TRU variation with borrowed earphones.

"OH WOW! Menny, this is wonderful! It looks so good. I have no clue. I tried and can't figure it out. What a great and visual effect. I can't wait to learn this!"
- Joe Rindfleisch

"It's a startling and beautiful effect. I love the version where it penetrates onto the spectator's finger! So visually amazing!"
- Dan Harlan

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C.C. Éditions
1 av. René Monory

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Tél. : 05 49 49 61 77 -