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À partir de ce mois de janvier 2018, notre site internet n'est plus mis à jour... Mais nous ne disparaissons pas, bien au contraire ! Retrouvez toutes nos productions, et bien plus encore, sur un tout nouveau site :
Stand-Up Card Magic

par Roberto Giobbi

Nouveau livre (en anglais) de Roberto Giobbi, un maître que l'on ne présente plus (mais qu'il faut absolument lire !…)

Description originale :
"Just finished reading.. and I LOVED IT. To me there's hidden information in this book. He takes you through the entire process how to get on stage, what tricks to do, and how to get off. Read every single word."
-Ryan Schlutz

"Card in lemon, and card stab.. worth the price of the book."
-John Guastaferro

"It's a book I've been waiting for. It's a book YOU'VE been waiting for.. even if you didn't know it. 13 fantastic card miracles."
-John Lovick

"I'm immediately putting it into my card work. It is so good... incredibly well presented."
-Jon Armstrong

Books devoted to card magic number in the thousands, and those books have offered hundreds of thousands of card tricks, most of them designed for the close-up magician. But what about the magician who wishes to perform for larger audiences and higher fees? Card tricks suitable for parlor, platform and stage are far fewer, and finding them requires searching through the countless books in which they are scattered. Magicians wishing to perform with cards for more than a few people have never been given a compact and authoritative source of information and tricks-until now. Standup Card Magic is the first book devoted to teaching the tools, tricks and routines necessary for entertaining and amazing banquet, corporate, trade-show and theater audiences. All this is taught through the eyes and experience of a world-class magician and teacher. Roberto Giobbi shows you how to performstandup-and outstanding-card magic!

Roberto Giobbi is the award-winning and internationally respected author of Card College, The Art of Switching Decks, Secret Agenda, Confidences and other foundational works on card magic. In Standup Card Magic Giobbi has focused on the psychology, showmanship, spectator management, sleights, tricks and presentations designed for standup performance before larger audiences.

Giobbi begins by exploring what standup card magic is and how it differs from close-up magic. From there he teaches how to interact with a larger group of spectators, how to choose the right people to assist you, how to get them onto the stage and how to manage their behavior there. He then provides a meaty discussion of the right sleights to use in standup and stage performances. Following this are detailed explanations of many of his beststandup card routines.

All the material is taken from Giobbi's professional repertoire, honed over many years of performances in front of international audiences. Card magicians who wish to perform powerful card magic for larger groups finally have a book that addresses their needs. Standup Card Magic not only provides the tools, magic and presentational guidelines, it also shows its readers how to develop further standup card magic, where to find it and how to bring cardtricks from the close-up table onto the stage. Standup Card Magic is a comprehensive study of professional-­caliber, standup card conjuring, and is designed to show you how to take your card magic to new levels and larger audiences.

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C.C. Éditions
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Tél. : 05 49 49 61 77 -