
par Theory 11

Le magicien dessine un petit bonhomme au dos de son téléphone, et soudain il se met à bouger, comme dans un dessin animé !

Livré complet : DVD (en anglais) + gimmick.

Descriptif original
What would you do if you could create a few frames of simple animations on the back of a phone? No fancy technology, just you and a marker.

You can make the magic happen with Praemovo.

Alan Rorrison has created a moving ink effect that allows you to create a short animation for a brief moment. It is an extreme, cute and magical effect for all ages.

Everything is included and the effect is 100% customizable to any drawing you like.

Note: TV rights not included with purchase. Please contact SansMinds for TV rights.

Ce produit a été ajouté à notre catalogue le vendredi 26 août, 2016.