Concertos for Pasteboard

Par Roberto Giobbi, Pit Hartling, Magic Christian, Wittus Witt, Piet Forton et bien d’autres…

Ce livre vous propose 29 créations cartomagiques de magiciens allemands et suisses. Les tours, qui ont tous un fort impact et un grand potentiel de divertissement, sont classés par ordre de difficulté, de quasi automatiques à techniquement exigeants.

Livre en anglais, 246 pages.

Descriptif original anglais :

Innovative Material from Roberto Giobbi, Pit Hartling, Magic Christian, Wittus Witt, Piet Forton, and many more !

Concertos for Pasteboard
features a remarkable breadth of material for today's card magicians. The tricks, which are helpfully classified for skill level, range from nearly sleightless to technically demanding, and their potential to surprise and amaze is consistently high. In total, this substantial volume contains enough variety, quality, entertainment, and ingenuity to please the most experienced readers and performers of card magic.

Contains 29 creations from German and Swiss masters.

Pages 246 – Hardcover, Fully Illustrated

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 10 January, 2013.